
Hi, I'm Clawdia

The Automated Legal Solution You Can Trust

Easy-to-use, affordable and always available software to handle your business' legal needs confidently


One Hub, All Your Legal Needs: Watch Clawdia in Action

How Can Clawdia Help Your Business

Save time and money

Save time and money

Legal services for businesses can be slow and expensive. Clawdia is available 24/7 and helps with your legal needs in minutes.

Feel confident every step of the way

Feel confident every step of the way

Legal might seem complicated. Clawdia simplifies your legal environment by making it accessible and friendly.

Gain clarity

Gain clarity

Get personalized tools to help you gain clarity in your legal environment and help you make the right decisions.

Avoid expensive legal mistakes

Avoid expensive legal mistakes

Clawdia helps you avoid putting your business at risk by helping you avoid critical legal mistakes.

Why Our Clients
Love Us

Josie Burke

Legal Topics

Independent Contractor Agreement

Independent Contractor Agreement

Mutual NDA

Mutual NDA

One-Way NDA

One-Way NDA

Proposal for Services

Proposal for Services

Employment Offer Letter

Employment Offer Letter

Independent Contractor Agreement

Independent Contractor Agreement

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Website Terms of Use

Website Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Terms of Use

E-Comm Terms and Conditions

E-Comm Terms and Conditions

SaaS Website Terms and Conditions

SaaS Website Terms and Conditions

SaaS Sales Agreement

SaaS Sales Agreement

Influencer Agreement

Influencer Agreement

Referral Agreement

Referral Agreement

Startup Advisor Agreement

Startup Advisor Agreement


Clawdia is the only holistic and personalized legal tool designed to simplify the legal world for you and give you complete confidence.
What does Clawdia do for you?

Everything you Need to Know

Watch short informational videos that explain everything you need to know about the legal topic and how to avoid critical legal mistakes, just like a lawyer would explain it to you.

Everything you Need to Know

Guidance Every Step of the Way

Simple, friendly, easy-to-understand explanations that guide and help you with your decision-making.

Guidance Every Step of the Way

Personalized Contract Drafting

Create tailor-made contracts, specially suited for your circumstances. Get relevant explanations for each part of the contract, so you know exactly what you are signing.

Personalized Contract Drafting

One Integrated Solution

Easily manage contracts as drafts. Share, track, sign, store, and access securely from any device.

One Integrated Solution

How it works?

how it works

Choose a legal topic

Select a topic from our ever-expanding menu. Every topic is crafted thoroughly and approved by top lawyers


Go through a personalized workflow

Clawdia guides you easily through decision-making with personalized explanations, designed to your specific circumstances​


Manage from a single hub

Collaborate, share, sign, manage and store everything from a single hub for easy access and retrieval



Ready to get started?

Let's get you legally empowered!